Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday May 12, 2011 - it's been a while hasn't it?

You have to excuse me.

I know it's been a while since I've written anything in here.

What can I say?  Business picked up infinitely more than any of us expected, sooner than we expected, so much so that expansion was inevitable.  Hours increased, another tech was added to the mix, and after moving into a new location, we're now exposed to so many more clients than we were before.

And I get to be front and center to the intriguing developments that take place out in the waiting room.

And believe me, the natives get restless rather quickly.

So what's happened since last August?

We're open later.  We moved across the street and look like a real pharmacy, not the quick hash-up that we were before.  We hired a new tech and a new pharmacist.  We signed on a floater for PRN needs.  Ironically both the new pharmacist and floating pharmacist also double at the same retail operation that I still take part in on a part-time basis.

We've had hiccups, misscommunications, and frustrating moments.  We've also shown growth and an ability to adjust on the fly.

All in all, it's still going well.

Sure, the people are still interesting.  This is, after all, a mental health facility.

So what have I learned as I approach my one year anniversary?

It's simple.  Whether it be retail or private, the clients are equally liable to be nutjobs with no idea of what they're taking, why they're taking it, or why the doctor thinks they should be on it.

**Column Intermssion**

I know that every now and then, something gets lost in translation when a doctor explains why a medication is being prescribed.  I find it hard to believe that so many people left the office without a shred of an idea though.  The number of times I've heard "I don't know why he/she/it wrote this for me" is astounding.  Upon working in an office with doctors though, I've learned that most do explain it.  You just were in lala land when it happened.

Which is probably why you're on it.

In the end, it's been a challenge at times, but it's been rewarding as well.  The experience has been eye-opening and everything I expected at the same time.  There have been slow days, busy days, quiet days, and incredibly frustrating days.

I'm going to attempt to write more often since I don't like writing about work stuff in my real life blog on Facebook, so this will give me a chance to go on and on about all kinds of things.

I hope.

The Mad Pharmacy Tech is back.

You've been warned.

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