Friday, May 20, 2011

they ask important questions

You can almost always count on it.

At some point during the day, whether it be asked of you or something you overhear, you can count on someone asking a question that makes you stop.

Today that question took place in the waiting room.

We overheard a woman out there ask if Mountain Dew was comparable to Ginger Ale.

Now, I'm never going to be compared to an expert on how to treat nausea, but I'm fairly certain Mountain Dew would not be my first choice.  I wouldn't say it would be my last choice either really.

It just boggles my mind that someone would ask that and be serious.  I mean, I could see if they were asking about Coke compared to Ginger Ale, but Mountain Dew?

It's almost as funny as people who get ripped off by drug dealers then call the cops to resolve the situation.

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