Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dear Mr. Grumpy Pants

I realize that you were supposed to receive Vicodin.  I realize that what we took over the phone was actually Darvocet.  I realize again that the office is telling you that they called in Vicodin, not Darvocet, and you think we are the ones who messed up.

But when I look at the hardcopy and see Darvocet written, I have to believe that's what the nurse actually called into us.  So you giving me the "I'm sitting here in pain" story is nice, but you have shown in the past that you are not the most pleasant, and also tend to leave out important details when it comes to filling stuff with us.

I can't do anything until your office calls us back to clarify what was written.  I completely believe that it's supposed to be Vicodin, but I can't just change it because you said so.

K, thanks.

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