Monday, September 12, 2011

pain pill pandemonium

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

But sometimes, you just shake your head and wonder what people are thinking.

My pharmacist has already had someone try to call in and tell us his nurse said it was okay to fill his anxiety med early, yet as of late afternoon, she had yet to inform us of this miraculous change of heart.

Then there's this conversation I had earlier...

Perc: "Do you carry percocets?"

MPT: "Which strength?"

Perc: "What? I also have muscle relaxers."

MPT: "Okay, but Percocet comes in four different strengths."

Perc: " you carry them?"

MPT: "Listen, we only carry one strength, so I need to know which one it is before I can tell you if we have it or not."

Perc: "Well, do you carry Valiums?"

MPT: "Yes."

Perc: "Okay.  I don't know what strength I need on the Percocets, but thanks for the information."
In other words, you don't have a script, you're just shopping for pain meds.  Best of luck to you buddy.

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