Wednesday, September 14, 2011

but you're not abusing them, right?

I realize you need your Xanax.

You got it filled on the 16th last month but were going out of town so you needed it early.  You even went and called the nurse to try and get her to approve it.

Except it's the same story you used last month to get it early.  Then we found out that you didn't go out of town.  So we told you no way on any early refills.

In fact, the nurse, the doctor, and everyone in the pharmacy told you not until the 15th this month.  Repeatedly.

Yet you've called every day for the last week trying to trick us into believing that the nurse had approved your refill and to find out when you could pick it up.  Imagine my surprise then when I talked to the nurse and she said she had said NO such thing to him, that she had in fact reiterated not until the 15th.

Now you're going to have to wait, plus you're only allowed to get a week at a time because you've shown clear drug-seeking habits. I'm sure this will piss you off, possibly even make you rethink where you go for your meds.  In fact, I heard that you weren't thrilled with having to pay every week.

Well, I'm not sorry.  In fact, I'm tempted to charge you more because you've been such a pain about it.

You are now on an extremely short leash.  Mess up once, and the doctor is no longer going to provide you with the Xanax.

And that's how it should be.

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