Tuesday, September 20, 2011

leave the politics out of medicine already

I don't like getting stuck in long, drawn-out debates.

Some of it is because I don't feel I should have to sit and defend every little opinion I have.  It is my opinion, it shouldn't matter to you why I think the way I do.

It's mostly because I have found that 75% of the time you get in a debate with someone, it ends with them telling you how stupid you are for thinking the way you do and that you are the reason this country is in the shitter.

Look, I have plenty of opinions.  I think the country is in the shitter because every politician in this country is more interested in seeing their face on tv than actually trying to fix the problems we have.  Everyone has the answer and it's better than everyone else's.  In essence, politics is all about me, me, me nowadays.

I can't stand it.

I can't stand when it weasels its way into medicine even more.

I recently read that a doctor had to make it clear that there are no studies that show that the HPV vaccine can cause autism or mental retardation.

Why does someone have to do that?  Because some politician opened their fat mouth and blurted about how it causes that and people shouldn't get it until more studies are done.

No, I don't care about the specifics of who said exactly what.

One of my big pet peeves is people who aren't doctors, nurses, or pharmacists giving medical advice like it's the gospel.  This includes politicians and pseudo-celebrities who attach their names to things in the hopes that it gets their name and picture on tv for even just a few minutes.

I personally wouldn't follow the advice of someone who didn't get some kind of medical degree.  That's my opinion and you can stutter and stammer all you like if you feel it's okay to take the advice of someone who isn't a professional.

Why?  Because it's an opinion what I just said.  Not a fact.  Hell, the politician in question could know a little something about it for all I know.  That celebrity could know a little bit about certain vaccines causing autism. I would rather believe what someone says who went to school for several years personally, but that's just me.  If you're fine with following someone's advice who's biggest claim to fame is the girl with big boobs on a dating game show on MTV, then so be it.  That's your call.

If you disagree with me, fine.  You're allowed to.  It's what makes this country great.  I can think one thing and you can think something ENTIRELY different.

That said, don't present to me what you think as an actual fact.  It's not.

I personally can't stand people who try to act as if their opinion is the end all to any discussion.  This applies to the vaccine issue, to sports, to whether you think pepper is amazing on food.  It's an opinion.  Not a fact.

I only get like this because after reading the post, I read some of the comments on the post.  Some were intelligent, but many were pretty much of the name-calling variety, calling people who thought differently of their opinion stupid.

In regard to the HPV vaccine, if you choose to get it for your child, more power to you.  If not, same story.  It's up to you.  Me?  If I am lucky enough to have a daughter, she's getting it unless a study comes out that proves that it's completely unsafe.

In the meantime, the world in my opinion would be a better place if some people just kept their mouths shut, particularly politicians.  It seems like they're on a roll of late with the level of insane things I've heard them say.

But then that goes against the concept of free speech doesn't it?

I'm all for a good debate on an item of importance.  All I want is for the other person to be informed before they open their mouth.

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