Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday mania


I haven't written in a while.

Today was so bizarre that I had to include some of the more memorable moments.

It started with my pharmacist having someone try to follow her in the employee entrance because they thought it was the lobby.  Then, the person's significant other came storming out of their appointment, mad as hell at the doctor.

They apparently were mad because the doctor wouldn't give them a full prescription for their benzo.  In her words:

"I want it filled as fast as possible so I can get out of here.  I'm fucking pissed off at the doctor."

She then proceeded to smoke outside for 25 minutes.

So much for that.

We had another one walk up right after the gate came up asking if we filled her script yet.  She's always doing this even though we haven't had a chance to fill it.

That was followed by one of the busier mornings we've had in a long time, filled with waiters, people wanting transfers, and just nonsense.

One prescriber tried to buzz in 6 times while my pharmacis was on the phone with an insurance company.  He always does stuff like that because he refuses to actually write a script.  He always e-scripts it or calls it in.

So when he can't get through to us the first time, he just keeps trying.

Overal, it's been a bizarre day.

Sorry for the lack of posts, but it's actually been pretty busy around here.  Business is booming.

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