Sunday, July 1, 2012

I'm updating soon...I promise

I haven't posted in here in a while.  To make a long story short, the new part-time pharmacist hasn't picked up on a damn thing in the four-plus months since they've been working there, a nurse practicioner who thinks giving everyone Gabapentin is the only way to treat anxiety, and the other tech STILL can't get to work on time even though they've been warned multiple times.

In short, it's been an adventure.

I know I should be posting regularly, but it just hasn't been easy to find time to get the posts up, plus I usually am just trying to forget about the shit that goes on from time to time with the aggravating people.

In the coming month though there should be a post about the Suboxone program that has been going on since last fall to mixed results, posts about the adventures we've had with the part-time pharmacist, and just random pharmacy posts about general pharmacy topics.

So stay tuned.

And lay off the Xanax already you crackheads.

Oh, and we can't forget the joyous inventory we just had, which was uniquely frustrating, which is saying something considering the inventory experiences I've had since the pharmacy opened.

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