Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I recently had a little old lady walk up to my pharmacy door to tell me how she wasn't going to pick up her meds because she left her bank card at home.  She never takes it anywhere because she never has to use it (makes me wonder about her grocery store trips) so she'll be back next week to pick up her stuff.

That wasn't what was remarkable about this conversation.  I have conversations like that with people all the time.  What made it interesting was her rant about how she hates when people write half in cursive, half in regular print.  She went so far as to call it disgusting.

All while rolling a half-smoked cigarette in her hand.

That she promptly went outside to smoke.

Now I'm not one to say anything about people who smoke.  If you want to, by all means go for it.  It's your choice.  I know most smokers would stop if they could.  They know it's not the cleanest habit in the world.  She had no problem rolling this thing around her hand for 5 minutes and that's fine.

But the writing was disgusting?


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