Monday, July 19, 2010

So much for frequent updates

Last time I wrote, I was on my way to the east to visit my family and relax a little.  Take a break from the madness that is filling prescriptions.

Well, the trip ended up being more stressful than it should have been, although it was pretty neat to see fireworks where I was, and in the end, a lot of things have changed for me very quickly.

The reason I haven't been able to write about it all is because both jobs have been very taxing of late.  The retail job has been nuts as always, although I've been getting shorted on hours because apparently I made my scheduler mad and they decided I was not worty of the hours I had requested.

The other job has been busy as well, which is good since we're a young pharmacy and growth is a good thing.

Plus the personal life was all over the place, making it very hard to find time to write about anything whatsoever.

The gist of it all is I've moved, I'm still working a lot, and I'm single now.

These all impact my writing time, the move more than anything else since my computer is still at my mom's house and will not be moving with me until I have internet set up at my new location, which may be a while.  The relationship falling apart was unfortunate, but it's part of life and could've been easily avoided if the other had used a little more discretion and less profanity in dealing with a recent issue.

I understand having anger problems and a temper, but some things are just unnecessary to say.  Let me put it this way: never before has anyone managed to piss off so many members of my family at once, and since family is most important to me, you might be able to tell why this didn't work out for me.

In the end, not working at the retail job as much has left me with far fewer funny things to mention, nor has it allowed me to be super angry either.  The retail job provides much of my material, so maybe this week I'll have more.

For the time being, don't be surprised if I don't update very frequently until everything is settled.

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