Monday, June 28, 2010

The Life of a Pharmacy Tech

Let's face it.

It's not easy to be a pharmacy tech.

Between slaving away for what feels like next to nothing (if you're unfortunate enough to work in retail), to being the one most likely to be thrown under the bus if a customer gets angry, the job can be somewhat frustrating at times.

I have had many days where I went home from my retail job and just wanted to open up several "adult" beverages and keep consuming until I no longer had memory of the day, but luckily, I've managed to avoid blatant alcoholism to this point. I've also had the fortunate luck of having a semi-strong sense of humor carry me through the roughest of days.

It doesn't mean I hate my job by any stretch. No, on the contrary, I love what I do. I find it very rewarding to know that I'm doing something to help someone, even if that someone just spent 20 minutes telling me I don't know how to bill his insurance company properly.

There are so many aspects of this job that I could get going on, but I just wanted to take a moment to write a quick hello to this community. I like writing, my job gives me plenty of material, so I figure, what the hell?

I will try to post as regularly as I can, but can't promise anything. The two jobs I maintain occupy a lot of my time and are quite busy jobs at that, plus having an actual life outside of pharmacy can make it challenging. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some readers, share some old stories, and keep everyone amused with what goes on in a pharmacy.

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