Friday, August 26, 2011

I don't think you've checked enough today

I know you've been waiting for your muscle relaxer to be called in.

In all fairness, it was called in two days ago, except your doctor called in one that wasn't covered by your insurance.  We called immediately to tell him, but he naturally didn't respond right away.  In fact, it took another day and another phone call from us, plus one from you, to get him to call something else in.

So what does the genius do?  He calls in a different one that's even less likely to be covered.

Now it's day three and we're still trying to get him to change it to the one we recommended in the first place, but he apparently e-scripted it (which sometimes takes days to reach us for some reason) even though my pharmacist told him NOT to do that.

I understand that you feel the need to call six times before noon to check on the status, and even stop by as well.

I understand your frustration that we still don't have anything for you.  But you sitting there telling me you need it isn't going to make the script appear from thin air.

I can't do a thing until your doctor sends me something to fill, which he hasn't.  Complaining to me is not going to change that.

I already told you if we got it today, we'd mail it anyway.

So go home, relax, and take an ibuprofen if it's that bad.

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